
Career Development

Innovatech considers employees as the most valuable assets and hence train them on every new process/technology, encourage their creativity, motivate to succeed, facilitate their basic needs and provide freedom to think beyond as to achieve self-excellence and enable our employees highly efficient. Constant focus and development on their technical skill set and thrust to strive their next level enable them to achieve their career aspirations as well meet business objectives. Innovatech acknowledges employee capabilities and assures to provide opportunities to each of our employees.

Continuous Improvement & Training

Innovatech strongly believes that continuous improvement on people, process and technology would enable us to attain global status among water-based treatment manufacturing industries. We encourage our employees to discover ideas and come up with effective initiatives focusing on continuous improvement that would drive them towards their career development as well turn up Innovatech as “Best place to Work”. Innovatech believes that “Training” is a key element to develop employee capabilities and ensures our employees are adequately trained on processes and technologies implemented as part of our business model.